Plants vs Zombies Versus Mode Wiki
2022 MT Players 01

🔴 About[]

The 2022 Mirror Tournament of Plants vs. Zombies Versus Mode (PVZVM), also known as the Mirror Tournament or MT, is a tournament organized by Plovazo with the primary purpose to exemplify an alternative way for people to competitively play the game, measure performance of all players, show the results of playing in that style, and have fun while playing. They played by using RPCS3 and Parsec on computer. Learn More

Tournament consists of 6 players, who play in a Round Robin style. Round Robin means that every player plays with every other player.

The 6 players are: Plovazo, krook, Mega Solar Flame, PUSSINBOOTS, RedGames 135, and Bonfire. 2022 MT Bracket 01

All of the playing is divided into battles, pairs, and matches. (Look in 🔴 Terminology for definitions).

This video contains explanation of the key parts of the tournament but is not as detailed as this Wiki page. The video shows footage of the gameplay. Battle times are shown in minutes:seconds while this page shows battle times in seconds only.

🔴 Terminology[]

PVZVM - Plants vs. Zombies Versus Mode

T - Tournament

Unit - A unit has a cost and recharge time which represents individual plants or zombies. Each team has 6 units. Sunflower and Gravestone are always selected, leaving 5 units for each team.

Team/Teams - Representing both/either Team Plants and/or Team Zombies. It can also refer to the player who is currently on that team.

TP - Team Plants

TZ - Team Zombies

Host - Player who hosts or surrogates to allow guest vs guest play

Guest - Player who joins a host (aka non-host)

Loadout - A specific unique combination of all units of both Teams. Identical loadout means that the plant units and zombie units are identical (order of units doesn't necessarily need to be the same). Plant loadout refers to a specific set of 5 units for team plants.

Battle - A single game. A battle begins right after "Ready Set Plant". A battle ends when either a zombie gets to the house or three zombie targets are destroyed. This T consists of 60 battles. Each battle is labeled with a battle number between 1-60.

Pair - A set of 2 battles between 2 players, in which the second battle is the mirror reflection of the first battle. Mirror means that the loadouts are identical to another battle while the players swap teams. Each pair is labeled with a pair number between 1-30.

Match - A collection of pairs/battles between 2 players. (each match contains 2 pairs, and therefore, 4 battles per match for this tournament). Each match is labeled with a match number between 1-15.

Battle Time - Elapsed time of battle, subtracting pauses or any interruptions. From the start (Ready Set Plant) to the end of a single battle. If a player surrenders a battle, the battle time ends when the pauses begins before conceding.

Classical Outcome (CO) - A player wins both battles in a pair, meaning that the player wins both games from playing the same loadout as their opponent on both teams.

Speed Outcome (SO) - Each player wins one battle in a pair, which means EITHER Team Plants wins both battles OR Team Zombies wins both battles. The speed win goes to the player who wins faster than loses. Winner is SO is determined based on who had the win with shorter battle time.

Draw Outcome (DO) - Neither player gains any points. This occurrence is rare. Usually results from a Speed Outcome that has a battle time difference to be too small to clearly determine which player has the lead in time. However, if this happens, players have the opportunity to either surrender or play again or accept a Draw Outcome.

Classical Win (CW) - A player wins in a Classical Outcome. For every classical win, the opponent gets a classical loss. A negative CW indicates classical loss (CL). Getting a win in a CO is more difficult than a win in an SO.

Speed Win (SW) - A player wins in a Classical Outcome. For every speed win, the opponent gets a speed loss. A negative SW indicates speed loss (SL).

Points - Are based on outcomes of each pair for each player. Decided that the formula to determine number of points for each player will be Points = 2*CW+SW - (2*CL+SL).

Or basically

1 CW = 2 Points

1 SW = 1 Point

1 CL = -2 Points

1 SL = -1 Point

Then add it all up to determine how many points a player has which determines the ranking. Players may have negative points.

2021 T - The previous tournament in 2021 of 8 players with Danerade, Shyguymask, etc.

🔴 Explanation[]

Fairness is important. Anyone who plays PVZVM long enough will realize that the game is incredibly unbalanced. Which team has the advantage, Plants or Zombies? Regardless what you think, a player being on a team plants more often than their opponent will automatically give them a slight advantage or disadvantage.

What is the meaning of being skilled when playing PVZVM? In a typical casual play, skill means choosing good units that counter the opposing units and placing the units wisely. Random battle removes the ability to choose and may give Team Plants bad units.

Can one player truly perform better than another player because they using better units? Not necessarily in this tournament. The main idea in this tournament is that loadouts of each team are swapped between the 2 players. Any set of two battles related with a team swap and identical loadout is called a "pair", as defined in terminology. By definition of pairs, all players will play on Team Plants the same number of times as they play on Team Zombies. Players have a more equal opportunity to show their performance.

Players may choose any units for the first battle of a pair, but on the second battle of the pair, they must reuse identical (does not need same order) loadout (5 units for both teams) and must swap teams. If player 1 was on team plants on first battle, they must be on team zombies on the second battle. The outcome of a pair will give or remove points to a player. Each pair has two main types of outcomes, Speed Outcome (SO), and Classical Outcome (CO).

Points from SO and CO will be added up for all pairs in the round robin tournament, and whoever has the highest points is the winner.

This play style encourages players who may seem to be losing to try and delay the time to give themselves a greater time surplus. Unlike other play styles of PVZVM, this play style more accurately compares the skill between players.

All battles were screen recorded (except battle 42 in 🔴 Battle Data because PUSSINBOOTS forgot to record and the opponent and Plovazo both accepted it).

The players met all of these requirements at the time of recruitment.

━ be invited to join by Plovazo via DMs or be invited by someone already in tournament as player

━ have a decently working computer that can play typical games

━ have a decently strong internet

━ have Parsec (with account)

━ be in the PVZVM Discord server

Some people be wondering why isn't Xplodin Apple, Wolfy Playz, or PVZReal in the tournament. Well, I did not consider Wolfy Playz, since he was not in the Discord server. I invited Xplodin Apple and PVZReal. Xplodin Apple expressed interest in joining, but for some reason did not attempt to respond to the questions required to join. PVZReal joined the tournament but was later kicked due to extreme inactivity, lack of talking in the private channel, and after all other players have played at least one match. I also did not want anyone who played in the previous 2021 Tournament to give other players a chance to play.

Players had options of choosing any battle mode to determine the loadout of a pair. They could choose Custom Battle, Random Battle, Quick Play, or the randomizer from the Discord bot PVZVM Bot.

The only restriction on the units was that Team Plants must have at least one long range unit that can attack the Target Zombies. Puff Shroom is not considered a long range unit.

Which team does a player begin on for any pair? A randomizer will determine that. However, in all matches, if player1 began on Team Zombies in the first pair, then player1 begins on Team Plants on the second pair. Team order of second pair of a match is swapped from the first pair.

Recruitment began on January 2022. Players had the option to play their matches in any order because the format is round robin and no player is eliminated from losing. They do not need to play the matches in any order.

🔴 Results & Data[]

The results include which units were used, who won how many times, which battles were SO or CO and more.

Players Battles Pairs Matches Matches Per Player
6 60 30 15 5
MC = Matches Completed
NSW = Net SW (SW-SL)
NCW = Net CW (CW-CL)
Rank (1 is highest)
Name SW SL CW CL NSW NCW Points Rank
1 PUSSINBOOTS 4 1 4 1 3 3 9 1
2 mega solar flame 1 3 0 6 -2 -6 -14 6
3 Plovazo 3 2 4 1 1 3 7 3
4 Bonfire 2 5 0 3 -3 -3 -9 5
5 krook 4 1 4 1 3 3 9 1
6 RedGames135 3 5 1 1 -2 0 -2 4

The Mean battle time is 216 seconds.

Longest lasting battle time is 448 seconds in battle 47 (RedGames135 v mega solar flame).

Average cost of Plant units used is 79.5 suns.

Average cost of Zombie units used is 99.31 brains.

Basic Meta Data




Count 29 31 54 6 13 17
% 48.33% 51.67% 90.00% 10.00% 43.33% 56.67%
BSD P Win BSD Z Win SD P Win SD Z Win
Count 25 29 4 2
% 41.67% 48.33% 6.67% 3.33%
Use/Win Rates of Plant Units
Usage % Wins %
1 Peashooter 2 3.33% 1 50%
2 CherryBomb 22 36.67% 10 45.45%
3 WallNut 28 46.67% 16 57.14%
4 PotatoMine 24 40% 15 62.5%
5 SnowPea 12 20% 5 41.67%
6 Chomper 2 3.33% 1 50%
7 Repeater 12 20% 8 66.67%
8 PuffShroom 22 36.67% 10 45.45%
9 SunShroom 0 0% 0
10 FumeShroom 12 20% 3 25%
11 GraveBuster 4 6.67% 2 50%
12 HypnoShroom 8 13.33% 1 12.5%
13 ScaredyShroom 8 13.33% 4 50%
14 IceShroom 2 3.33% 0 0%
15 DoomShroom 0 0% 0
16 Squash 32 53.33% 20 62.5%
17 Threepeater 6 10% 4 66.67%
18 Jalapeno 12 20% 5 41.67%
19 Spikeweed 4 6.67% 2 50%
20 Torchwood 2 3.33% 2 100%
21 TallNut 4 6.67% 2 50%
22 Cactus 0 0% 0
23 SplitPea 6 10% 0 0%
24 Starfruit 4 6.67% 1 25%
25 Pumpkin 2 3.33% 0 0%
26 MagnetShroom 0 0% 0
27 CabbagePult 20 33.33% 11 55%
28 KernelPult 0 0% 0
29 CoffeeBean 38 63.33% 15 39.47%
30 Garlic 8 13.33% 4 50%
31 UmbrellaLeaf 2 3.33% 1 50%
32 MelonPult 2 3.33% 2 100%
Use/Win Rates of Zombie Units
Usage % Wins %
1 Regular 32 53.33% 18 56.25%
2 TrashCan 8 13.33% 2 25%
3 Conehead 38 63.33% 23 60.53%
4 PoleVaulting 12 20% 6 50%
5 Buckethead 16 26.67% 9 56.25%
6 Flag 4 6.67% 3 75%
7 Newspaper 28 46.67% 12 42.86%
8 ScreenDoor 22 36.67% 15 68.18%
9 Football 16 26.67% 8 50%
10 Dancing 18 30% 7 38.89%
11 Zomboni 18 30% 8 44.44%
12 JackInTheBox 8 13.33% 1 12.5%
13 Digger 8 13.33% 4 50%
14 Pogo 18 30% 8 44.44%
15 Bungee 20 33.33% 10 50%
16 Ladder 8 13.33% 5 62.5%
17 Catapult 8 13.33% 5 62.5%
18 Gargantuar 18 30% 11 61.11%


PTPF is player on team plants first for a pair
TW2 is the Team that won Twice in an SO. N is neither for CO


Battle Data






SW 2*CW TW2 Battle





1 1 PTPF PUSSINBOOTS 2 n 1 236
mega solar flame -2 2 146
2 PTPF mega solar flame -1 z 3 151
2 3 PTPF Plovazo -2 n 5 224
Plovazo -1 8 302
3 5 PTPF Plovazo 2 n 9 159
mega solar flame -2 10 295
6 PTPF mega solar flame -2 n 11 270.5
Plovazo 2 12 190
4 7 PTPF PUSSINBOOTS 2 n 13 263
Bonfire -2 14 198
8 PTPF Bonfire -1 p 15 255
5 9 PTPF Bonfire 1 p 17 235.77
mega solar flame -1 18 344.57
10 PTPF mega solar flame -1 p 19 353.83
Bonfire 1 20 242.17
6 11 PTPF Bonfire -1 z 21 161
Plovazo 1 22 269
12 PTPF Plovazo 2 n 23 200
Bonfire -2 24 101
7 13 PTPF PUSSINBOOTS 2 n 25 281.2
krook -2 26 119.8333
14 PTPF krook 2 n 27 293
PUSSINBOOTS -2 28 265.8
8 15 PTPF mega solar flame -2 n 29 85
krook 2 30 253
16 PTPF krook 2 n 31 149
mega solar flame -2 32 137
9 17 PTPF krook -1 p 33 203.6
Plovazo 1 34 195.4667
18 PTPF Plovazo -1 z 35 132
krook 1 36 173.8667
10 19 PTPF krook 1 p 37 183.2333
Bonfire -1 38 293.5333
20 PTPF Bonfire -2 n 39 123.2
krook 2 40 248.8
11 21 PTPF PUSSINBOOTS 1 z 41 145.0167
RedGames135 -1 42 >145, no video ⭐
22 PTPF RedGames135 1 z 43 198.8833
PUSSINBOOTS -1 44 191.05
12 23 PTPF mega solar flame 1 p 45 181
RedGames135 -1 46 227
24 PTPF RedGames135 2 n 47 448
mega solar flame -2 48 363
13 25 PTPF Plovazo 2 n 49 218
RedGames135 -2 50 91
26 PTPF RedGames135 -1 z 51 155
Plovazo 1 52 193
14 27 PTPF Bonfire -1 p 53 199.9
RedGames135 1 54 199.6
28 PTPF RedGames135 1 z 55 218.6
Bonfire -1 56 201.9
15 29 PTPF RedGames135 -1 z 57 213
krook 1 58 254
30 PTPF krook 1 z 59 357
RedGames135 -1 60 191
Lawnmower TargetZ Elimination Count MT

Battle Times & Team Win MT

Each dot represents one battle. The dots (or battles) may overlap on the graph. Blue dot means Team Plants won while Red dot means Team Zombies won. 300 seconds or 5 minutes is when Sudden Death begins.

🔴 Battle Results[]

PUSSINBOOTS v mega solar flame


Plovazo v mega solar flame


Bonfire v mega solar flame

Bonfire v Plovazo


Mega solar flame v krook

Krook v Plovazo

Krook v Bonfire


Mega solar flame v RedGames135

Plovazo v RedGames135

Bonfire v RedGames135

RedGames135 v krook
